Well I managed to wake up again! ;-) I'm on the ICU being cared for by some lovely nurses! The op apparently went well and I'm recovering like a good patient!
I'm still rigged up to the oxygen mask and have my epidural and IV paracetamol running as pain relief. I'm on a bag of saline to replace fluids and have a catheter in. I also have various monitoring things in / on me and a drain at my wound site, although apparently not much is coming out there, which is good.
I've not had and food yet and am just sipping at water, even though I'd live to gulp down a glass!! When I tried this earlier it made me bring it straight back up so won't try it again in a hurry!! Was given some anti-sickness drug which immediately spaced me out! Ha ha ha!
If all goes well tonight I should be moved to a normal ward tomorrow and that'll be a good sign. Fingers crossed.
They're turning the lights out now so I think I'll try and have another snooze!!
Glad it went well. Hope you make a speedy recovery.