Tuesday, 21 August 2012

The curse strikes again

I really should know by now not to go to hospital with just mum - something always goes wrong! Well, today we went to get my PICC line put in ready for chemo next Tuesday. Anyway, all seemed to go fine as far as I could tell and I didn't feint!! I had the chest X-ray to check that the line was in the right place but unfortunately it wasn't. Instead of going up my right arm, across the top of my chest and towards my heart it goes up the vein on the left hand side of my neck! Oops! Apparently in 80% of cases in active people the line will flip into the correct position thanks to gravity and movement. Hopefully this will happen with me. I am heading back to the hospital tomorrow to have another chest X-ray to check it has. If not, I'll have to either have the current line fiddled with to get it in the right place or have another line in put in. Fun fun fun!! Oh well, it's better to have a PICC line in rather than have to have needles every time I have chemo and blood tests!

In other news, I had a lovely day on Saturday. It started with meeting my friend from uni, Anne-Marie, for lunch and an afternoon relaxing in St. James' Park. Thank you so much for coming up to London to see me! I'm so lucky that my friends are willing to come to see me, with Anne-Marie this week and Sarah coming from Plymouth a few weeks ago.

On Saturday evening I met with friends in Richmond to celebrate Sam's 30th birthday with a surprise party! We were thankful to be able to escape from the heat of the pub onto the Green which had turned into a big, communal beer garden for the surrounding pubs!! We did manage to have cake in the pub though, although the cake had melted to about half it's height!! Hahaha! Two of the balloons that we'd blown up popped in the heat as well!! The other advantage to sitting on the Green was that we could have a chip supper from the chippy down the street!! :-)

Last night I met some of my friends from work after their training day for a good catch up over a few (soft) drinks in the new beer garden that one of the local pubs had opened. It was great to see them and hopefully I'll see them again soon.

One final mention must be to baby Callan George - welcome to the world! Congratulations to Nikki, Ian and Ewan on the new edition to your family!! I'm looking forward to coming for a cuddle soon!

Signing off for now!


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